Paragon Landscape, Inc. / Landscape Design Firm in Harlan, Indiana

Our land care division provides that “snapped tight” look of a well-maintained property that exemplifies excellent maintenance for existing landscapes and lawns. Our Land Design division designs and builds personalized outdoor living spaces and lush garden borders for families who love beauty or who live and play outside. Our objective is to bring beauty and peace of mind to our clients through good communication, personal touch, long-term relationships, and attention to detail. Our mission is to be an excellent team of excellent individuals who deliver beauty to the friends who are our clients. Beauty to our friends!


Commercial & Retail Landscape Design Deck Design Gazebos Highly Detailed Landscape Maintenance Installation And Maintenance Lake Living Landscapes Land Clearing Landscape Design Mastering Steep Terrain Outdoor Kitchens Outdoor Lighting Patios Paving Porches Rain Garden Design Residential Landscape Design Smart Outdoor Living Spaces Snow Removal
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